Browse the Catalog

The links below lead to special views of the DLL Catalog's data. All the pages include a search bar that will filter the amount of information presented on the screen.

  • Author Authorities presents links to dynamically generated home pages for authors of works in the catalog. These home pages present salient information from the author's authority record, links to works by the author, and links to documents, webpages, and other items in the catalog related to the author.
  • Work Authorities displays links to dynamically generated home pages for works in the catalog. A work's home pages includes information from the work's authority record and links to documents, webpages, and other items in the catalog related to the work.
  • Item Records simply lists all of the item record content in the catalog. Item records contain information about digitized books (e.g., pdf scans) available in online repositories.
  • Web Pages lists all of the web page content in the catalog. Web Pages are texts available online in a markup language format such as HTML or XML.