Welcome to the Digital Latin Library's Catalog!

This site supports the DLL's mission of "facilitating the finding and, where openly available and accessible online, the reading of all texts written in Latin."

The DLL Catalog provides an organized, curated system for finding Latin texts available online. 

Currently, it contains authority records for nearly 3,000 authors and 5,000 works, with many more to come. It also contains individual item records for hundreds of texts available in a variety of formats through many different resources such as the Perseus Digital Library, the Packard Humanities Institute, DigilibLT, the HathiTrust Digital Library, and others.

The "Catalog Updates" section below records items added to the catalog. Check the list of current projects for more information.

Otherwise, use the search bar or click "Browse the Catalog" above to get started, or read more about this site and how to get the most out of it.

Catalog Updates

Digital Library of Late-antique Latin Texts

Post date: October 16, 2017

Metadata for all content that was on http://www.digiliblt.unipmn.it as of 2017-10-17 has been scraped, processed, and added to the DLL Catalog. The total number of items uploaded at that time was 425. Going forward, the plan is to reconnect to the site on a quarterly basis and process any new records that have been added since the last connection.
